I have made many discoveries during the course of this project, both about myself, those around me, and about my topic. It was my intent to approach my issue form a purely intellectual point-of-view. However, being that the subject is also an emotional one that I am very close to, I found remaining solely academic impossible. I had a great deal of fun with the flexibility this project offered. It allowed me to explore and display my topic from many directions. I was forced to reevaluate my views in some areas, and found research to support my current views in others.
This project gave me the tools, and focus I need to learn how to maintain a blog. Using social networking sites I have built up a small readership, and have received valuable feedback about my ideas and writing. It is my intent to maintain, and expand this blog after the completion of this course. I feel the casual nature of the blogging format makes some “hot-button” issues easier for readers to process; it also gives the writer a great venue for sharing thoughts and opinions.
I am very excited to further research my topic and share even more information with the world. This assignment has enriched my life, and greatly improved my ability to share my ideas with others. Being an obsessive researcher, I feel I have been given a fantastic outlet for my addiction!
Works Cited
Image. (2011, July 17). Rex parker does the ny times crossword. Retrieved December 07, 2011, from BlogSpot.com: http://rexwordpuzzle.blogspot.com/2011/07/1994-denis-leary-kevin-spacey-flick-sun.html